Agenda Tevere Onlus is an association of associations and citizens that aims to retrain collaboratively the urban trait of Tevere River.
Agenda Tevere is a non-for-profit Association undertaking activities for the civil, social-economic, and cultural promotion of the city of Rome. It is chaired by a President and decisions are made by a Board of Directors and the Assembly composed by its members (individual and associated). AT has a Statute and a Ethic Code regulating its activities and the budget mainly derives from membership fees and donations. The actions are based on an “exosystemic collaboration” among institutions, associations, citizens, and private subjects on common objectives. Activities are carried out by professionals on a voluntary basis. In collaboration with Italian and International Universities, AT promoted studies on the Tiber’s urban surrounding areas and started up a project to digitize and analyze data on banks' concessions to monitor the critical issues of the territory with Lazio Region. Through the support of the TIM Foundation, developed a web platform hosting a database with info on environmental, cultural, and social aspects including the tourist offer of the urban stretch of Tiber river, useful for the administrations and the citizens. AT promoted the river contract of Tiber from Castel Giubileo to its mouth, as a strategic tool to negotiated programming among stakeholders with the goal to protect and manage the water resources while enhancing river territories for tourist attraction. AT promoted the manifest of intent for the afore mentioned River Contract signed by 50 bodies.

Resources needed

The AT was created by associations and voluntary professionals to remove the hurdles to the Tiber's regeneration. The membership fees helped to implement the main projects while experimental actions were realized in synergy with the institutions and the economic support of of external donations.

Evidence of success

After having made signed the Manifest of Intent for the Tiber River Contract from Castel Giubileo to the river mouth to several stakeholders, the AT started to coordinate the interventions’ program along the riverside with the river contract signers, providing support through their many associated partners. The realization of the Tiberis edition 2020 (the new beach on the Tiber river by the City or Rome) was co-designed with AT.

Difficulties encountered

The start-up of this intiative requested many efforts by the voluntary people involved in managing the participative process and organizing the several meetings held. A strong mediation activity was necessary to coordinate all the stakeholders.

Potential for learning or transfer

AT is a laboratory and a common "workspace" among institutions, study centers and other competent or interested subjects that is unprecedented in the history of the Tiber River’s Governance. The AT turned out to be an efficient mediator both for institutions and citizens facilitating the dialogue among the multi-level government concerned on the river interventions and the territory.

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Main institution
Lazio Region
Lazio, Italy (Italia)
Start Date
February 2017
End Date


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