The practice showcases that a comprehensive approach of the e-mobility implementation is beneficial if not essential for public transport operators (PTOs).
It is easy to underestimate the complexity of e-bus transition as PTO. It is not enough to exchange a diesel bus by an electric bus, changes are required in processes, infrastructure, training of staff and other operational areas.
VHH aimed to establish a coordinated and transparent working structure. In various meetings with members of every department, different aspects of the current operation and required changes were considered. These aspects were clustered in topics to enable easy orientation. VHH structured e-bus transition in 16 work packages (WPs). Most of the WPs require input from various departments and are highly cross-sectional, e.g., WP3. Due to better overview, the transition is more likely to be a success and the risks of encountering unexpected obstacles are reduced.
The 16 work packages comprise:
01 Energy demand e-bus operation | 02 Emergency concepts | 03 Battery and charging technology | 04 charging and battery concepts | 05 Processes in depots and workshops| 06 Energy provision | 07 structural (physical) infrastructure | 08 Third-party concepts for energy and infrastructure | 09 New vehicle scheduling | 10 Cooperation and strategic partners | 11 Staff training | 12 Financial resources required | 13 Vehicle procurement | 14 Need for development in IT infrastructure | 15 Planning of infrastructure modification and construction works | 16 Traffic concept 2030
Especially WPs 14 and 15 turned out to be more challenging than anticipated.

Resources needed

Representatives from all departments need to be involved. Example for cost estimation: 5 meetings of 2 hours, consisting of 5 people, resulting in 100 man-hours. External expertise might be necessary and needs to be taken into account for financial planning.

Evidence of success

VHH managed a successful transition from only a few pilot e-buses to regular operation of e-buses (by end of 2020: 22; the upscaling is going on until full transition to e-mobility).

Difficulties encountered

Especially WPs 14 (Need for development in IT infrastructure) and 15 (Planning of infrastructure modification and construction works) turned out to be more complicated than anticipated. Introducing new software tools into the organisation is a lengthy process involving its own change processes.

Potential for learning or transfer

The experiences made in this practice can be beneficial to other PTOs and at the same time, the structure of the work packages can easily be adapted and modified. Different situations or circumstances in other regions might lead to a different weighting or even a re-design of the work packages, but the practice can serve as a source of inspiration.

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Main institution
Verkehrsbetriebe Hamburg-Holstein GmbH
Hamburg, Germany (Deutschland)
Start Date
July 2016
End Date


Stephanie Keßler Please login to contact the author.