![Regional Actions on Citizens in Circular Economy](/fileadmin/user_upload/tx_tevnewsevents/news/image_1687344515.jpg)
Regional Actions on Citizens in Circular Economy
Regional Actions on Citizen Involvement in Circular Economy - overview of CECI Action Plan implementation.
CECI desires to:
Explore more CECI videos presenting the project and good practices on YouTube.
AIMS at transferring knowledge among regions to bring more relevant and efficient policies to promote citizen involvement in circular and sharing economy.
ACTIONS include interregional learning through thematic workshops and studies, round-table policy discussions and site visits. They will form the basis for sharing expertise and boost citizen dialogue on the local/regional levels. Sharing Good Practices will help to disseminate circular solutions and save resources across Europe.
As a RESULT, the partner regions will develop Action Plans to translate gained knowledge of the citizens’ role in circular economy and new solutions. CECI will raise public awareness to create demand for sustainable services. Changes in consumption patterns will stimulate the development of circular economy business models, and create new jobs.
Circular Economy blooms through Citizen Involvement
Environment and resource efficiency
Sustainable growth and jobs 2014 - 2020, Priority axis 2: Producing and using new information and knowledge (ERDF); Investment priority: 3.2. Developing solutions based on renewable energy and energy efficiency, Inverstment priority 4.1. Development of the centres of research, expertise and innovation on the basis of regional strengths
- The role of connecting circular economy needs to be emphasized in the policy instrument
- Support for developing new circular economy services requires more attention
The Regional Plan for economic development, innovation and internationalization sets the main strategic orientations of a region in economic matters. The purpose of this plan is to coordinate economic development actions on the regional territory and define the strategic orientations of the region in this area. This plan includes 7 axis for balanced regional economic development: regional attractiveness, promoting entrepreneurship and supporting the development of businesses, facilitating access to regional aid, creating a small business act, innovation, adapt training, develop strategic sectors. The promotion of the circular economy is one of the 5 objectives set by Axis 2.
Promoting CE and supporting new business models is one of the dimensions of the Regional plan for economic development innovation and internationalization. This objective aims particularly at establishing models that relate to collaborative consumption, service economy that proposes new consumption patterns to citizens based not on maximizing the sales of goods but rather on their use or pooling. This means, experimental aid schemes for businesses have already been developed since 2017.
- The dimension of CE, which is new in the Regional Plan for economic development, is being structured.
- The development and stabilization of this policy instrument and its objectives needs exchange of experience and benchmark to promote and develop CE models.
Priority Axis 3 Waste management and material flows, environmental burden and risks.
INVESTMENT PRIORITY 1: Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting the efficient use of resources through investments in waste management in order to meet the Union's acquis requirements for the environment and by addressing investment needs, which according to the findings of Member States go beyond these requirements
Specific Objective 1: Waste prevention
Specific Objective 2: To increase the share of material and energy recovery of waste
- Circular economy perspective requires more attention since it is not specifically mentioned (all calls so far has been focused mainly on waste management)
The Waste Management Program of City of Varna 2015-2020 (WMP) is the municipal level policy for periodically analyzing, forecasting and planning the development of city waste management systems, aiming to improve governance of waste in line with the waste hierarchy. Part of its main goal is “improving the efficiency of waste utilization as a resource”. The specific Strategic aim 4: ”Turning the citizens a key player in implementing the waste management hierarchy” is in focus. However, within this aim the accent is put mainly on campaigns related to the separate collection of waste.
- WMP relies on a linear business model there is a need to introduce a holistic perspective on circular economy
- Need for adoption of a new business model based on value and material recovery and aimed at boosting higher waste recycling rates
- Missing focus at the opportunities the circular economy offers while involving citizens
- Need for measures for a better collaboration between municipality, business and citizens to achieve a favourable environment that encourages sustainable circular practices, business and economic growth
- Lack of specific sub-programs with activities related to citizens involvement in circular economy as an important pillar for the development of sustainability municipal policies.
- Preparatory work needed for a new collection plan based on the approach ‘From waste to resources’
CECI project specifically addresses Priority Axis 4: Supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy in all sectors. Circular Economy is not mentioned in the Priority axis, however the principles go through all this Priority Axis, since it contributes to lowering the emission of greenhouse gasses and improves the energy efficiency.
Priority Axis 4: Priority of investment 4.C. Support the energy efficiency and use of renewable energies in public infrastructure, including public buildings and housing
Specific objective O.E.4.3.1 Improvement of the energy efficiency and reduction of the CO2 emissions in buildings and infrastructures for the public services".
- At the time the Aragon ERDF 2014-20 OP was elaborated; Circular Economy was not included as a specific action to be financed by this fund. Adding it to the use of renewable energies and the improvement of the energy efficiency would close the loop towards the maximum use of the natural resources and minimum production of waste and greenhouse emissions
- Increase conscious citizen’s demand on energy efficient (and at the same time material efficient) products; involve citizens to be aware of extending the lifetime of goods e.g. repairs, second hand markets.
- Improve circular economy and energy efficiency in the life cycle of products and waste through involving Aragon enterprises
Since 2014, all Flemish cities have to follow the rules of the ‘policy and governance cycle’. They have to make an integrated plan (not sectoral) in which they plan for 6 years following a fixed method of strategic goals, action plans and yearly actions. The foreseen balanced budget has to be integrated in this plan as well. The plan is therefore a very powerful document to have impact on the policy and actions of the city. The plan stimulates the cities to work integrated and strategic. The year 2019 is crucial in activities, since the current planning period ends and the next starts.
Sustainability and ambitions CO2 reduction are strategic goals of the Policy Plan. However, circular economy is not included in the Policy plan.
- The Policy Plan has many links with resource efficiency and sustainability, however, circular economy is not explicitly mentioned. The plan needs a focus and explicit actions on circular economy and how to involve stakeholders.
- The plan needs a demand driven approach to the circular economy beyond the hype or legal obligations to frame current initiatives and give way to new initiatives.
- There are many bottom-up initiatives of citizens and industries, but strategic support and facilitating is needed.
Regional Actions on Citizen Involvement in Circular Economy - overview of CECI Action Plan implementation.
CECI Action Plan in Mechelen, Belgium
CECI Action Plan implementation in Aragon, Spain
CECI Action Plan implementation in the Päijät-Häme region, Finland
CECI Action Plan implementation in Varna, Bulgaria
CECI Action Plan Implementation in Ostrava, the Czech Republic
CECI Action Plan implementation, Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France
Business Agency Association with a green proposal for the development of Varna
CECI news from Aragon: News from Aragon: Open Forum for Transparency and Active Listening