The Circular Economy Roadmap of Päijät-Häme has been updated and given a new appearance, please have a look:

The next update will take place when the Circular Economy solutions for Citizens of Päijät-Häme – Action Plan is approved. First draft of the Action plan was done together with working group and presented to regional stakeholders in January 2021. The draft will be taken further with the information gathered from Hackathon arranged by LAB and the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme in April. Four groups developed four business models: 1) Clothing packages as a service 2) Grannies and kiddos transport service 3) Verstas; Sharing facility 4) Optimizing the use of empty space. Please read more:

Last call of the ERDF 2014-2020 Sustainable growth and jobs was in March 2021, and the Regional Council received 35 applications, which five fitted circular economy theme, and two of them match CECI theme. Funding decisions will be made in June. CECI themed projects target sustainable solutions in assisted living buildings and digitalization and sustainability in fashion and textile businesses.

During semester 4 the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme has taken part in the drafting process of the next ERDF program period 2021-2027 on national level. The new period should start in September 2021 and first call should take place at the end of the year.

The Regional Council funded a project which meets CECI theme through AKKE funding (Supporting sustainable growth and vitality in the regions). The project Tekstiilit kiertoon Päijät-Hämeessä (in Engl. Textiles in circulation) aims to prepare actions and pilot project to meet the upcoming separate collection of end-of-life textiles. Please read more in Finnish: