News from our CECI advisory partner - makesense
Makesense has fostered a multi-actor collaboration toolbox so that local authorities can include social, collaborative and circular clauses in their purchases. You can read more here. You can read the feedback from more than 12 local authorities succeeding in raising the share dedicated to more local and circular suppliers, watch the online webinaires access the grids, and advice along the different steps from designing and presenting the idea, building the action plan, starting with the diagnostic and mapping the ecosystem, up until selecting the success indicators and the governance system.
Makesense has included a charter for democratic participation in elaborating new urban policies with citizens in a new call for proposals led by major circular building player Bellastock. Applicants have been selected on March 6th 2023 according to their ability to organize collaborative workshops to make sure they build strong ties with local NGOs and citizen councils. Architects, designers and artists will then have to design projects that match the real needs of the inhabitants
We have published an article with testimonies about how multi-stakeholder collaboration can help local authorities build strong circular purchasing policies, read more here. For both the organization of the 2024 Paris Olympic games, as well as for the Corporate social responsibility of a small town in Région SUD, it turns out that similar key advice: dare, listen and collaborate!