The core of the DOMINO project is the DOMINO Smart Plug Challenge – centered around the smart plugs, in which households residing in the Metropolitan Area of Naples, Berlin and Brussels form a team of five households each. The first household receives a set of six smart plugs from the project consortium, uses the DOMINO app on their smartphone/tablet to measure the energy consumption of a selection of their own appliances over the period of one month. Subsequently (based on their consumption profile), they receive tailored and timely feedback from the consortium and other participants in the challenge for changing their behaviour or upgrading or replacing appliances and other electric devices to reduce energy consumption.
Throughout the two months following the first month of measuring, participants in the challenge will be encouraged to implement some of the ideas and tailored instructions for behaviour change provided via the smartphone or tablet. At the end of each month, participants in the challenge will receive feedback from the consortium about their performance and will then have the opportunity to send short feedback on which of the previous instructions they found to be useful for reducing energy consumption. After the third month of using the plugs, participants in the challenge will then be asked to hand the smart plugs to the next member of the team (e.g. a co-worker, a neighbour, a friend or a relative).
This will be achieved by household members changing their behaviour towards the use of electrical equipment and by purchasing more energy-efficient household appliances.
For more information visit the official website.