The project "Ricomincio da qui" is promoted and realized by the Association "Torre Vesuvio Pro Natura" and by ANEA, under the public notice "Giovani per il sociale", issued by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for the promotion and support of actions aimed at strengthening the social and economic cohesion of the regions of the Convergence Objective Regions.

The project activities are aimed at facilitating the accessibility and use of public property by the community in a highly degraded area: a garden of 1,500 square meters located in the San Antonio district in Municipality of Torre del Greco (Naples), close to a large abandoned public housing area damaged by vandalism acts.

The project activities refer to the restoration and maintenance of the garden, which will become the centre of animation for young people and will host an open energy door to everyone. There are also workshops in different schools and of Torre del Greco municipality and specific training activities aimed at creating skills in the energy sector that can be spent on the job market.

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