On 29 of October 2016, the City Council of the Municipality of Celje, at their 15th regular session, adopted a decree on public-private partnership for the implementation of the project of contractual provision of energy savings with the purpose of energy rehabilitation of public buildings of the Municipality of Celje. The main services are the provision and guarantee of energy savings and the energy management of facilities. 

The proposal for the budget of the Municipality of Celje for 2018 is very investment-oriented. Among the major investments envisaged is the energy rehabilitation of eight public buildings, among which the priority place is Celjski dom. Currently, the selection of the contractor for the establishment of a public-private partnership has been completed, and the preparation of all documents for the application to the cohesion funds of the Ministry of Infrastructure is in progress.

In the next year, the implementation of the Generator project will also be envisaged, which will include the renovation of the Gubčeva building 1. The project will include the arrangement of the upper three floors and three interiors. In Celje, this project will open a new space for all generations from pre-school youth to adult, start-up and high-tech companies and other entities in the field of higher value-added technologies.

Official pages of the Republic of Slovenia: www.moc.celje.si and www.slovenia.info