The mention appears in 'Governance  Change for Energy Efficiency in Buildings' paper, a Policy Brief from the Policy Learning Platform on low-carbon economy, published in May 2018.

As policy experts highlight in the document, "this paper will present the work done in Interreg Europe projects, looking at how governance and behavioral change can support the transition to low carbon energy. It will present good practices which are readily transferable, and make recommendations for regional policy-makers".

In the case of the CLEAN project (page 4 of the analysis), experts have selected a good energy practice coming from Donegal County Council (Ireland): 'ISO 50001 Energy Management System Implementation in Donegal'. This is an energy management strategy whose purpose is to demonstrate a clear understanding of where energy is used in an organisation. Since 2015, DCC has noticed significant energy savings. They reduced energy consumption in buildings between 5%-10% without any physical projects, just by a better behavior and by raising awareness.

Find here the document produced by Interreg Europe.

Read more about ISO 50001 accreditation and Donegal's expertise.