This new CLEAN Steering Group Meeting will bring all partners and stakeholders together in Celje and Velenje cities (Slovenia), on the 12th and 13th of September 2018. Activities and site visits will be hosted by Development Agency of Savinjska Region project partner. 

The objective of this project event will be to gather the partnership for the fourth time since the project started in January 2017. Partners will discuss about project progress, finance, responsibilities, communication activities and the commencement of the Regional Action Plans. Apart from that, attendees will visit the biggest regional business fair and good energy practices selected by RASR.

MOS fair

During the first day, CLEAN partners and stakeholders will have the opportunity to visit the 51st edition of the most prominent business fair in the region, the MOS fair. The largest and most modern showground in Slovenia will once again host top representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the most eminent global brands, from the 11th to 16th of September 2018.

After visiting the largest business and trade fair event in the Savinjska Region, attendees will move to Celje city center to see some of the good energy practices that RASR partners have shared within the project. Among them, CLEAN team will visit the following study cases:

1) School Center Velenje: a public building which was renewed in 2010 for better energy efficiency (training a group of professionals who are dealing with energy management, exterior and interior lightning, optimization of electricity consumption and education of students with implementation of awareness raising activities).

"This renovation project is noteworthy for the integration of digital technologies for energy monitoring and demand management, enabling energy savings to be maximised. It is interesting how the school changed behaviors and even schedules as a result of this monitoring. Such activities in schools offer the potential for added value by being educational for pupils about the importance, and application, of energy saving measures", says Interreg Europe Policy Expert Simon Hunkin after reviewing this energy practice.

2) Laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency: it is equipped with different test devices for energy storage, distribution and production. Researchers are working on efficient heating/cooling and solar technology, electricity production with PV panels and usage of other types of renewable energy sources. 

3) MIC – Energy polygon: a building to promote alternative energy sources for education and research purposes. Partners and stakeholders will have the opportunity to see heat collectors, ground heat collectors, PV plant, geothermal boreholes with geosonds, small scale wind power turbine and many more. All of them were built for research purposes and to find the best ways to use alternative energy in Slovenia. MIC is a center that brings together professionals and also students, who can make designs of their own with the common goal of energy efficiency.

4) Low energy house: a research and educational building, adjusted to Slovenian climate, where professionals can monitor and develop all of the available systems.


Read more about our previous events: