In the second of the nine articles of this series, the attention will be focused in the region of Västernorrland (Sweden), from where our project partner Association of Local Authorities in Västernorrland has shared three good energy practices.

The practices shared are:

According to Annacarin Ericsson, Manager at Local Energy Agency in Västernorrland, “participating in the CLEAN project gives us an opportunity to share some of our most successful energy saving projects performed within our region recently. Due to our relatively cold winters here up north, and the challenge of less insolation during winter time, we have to challenge ourselves to make the best of the energy that we have access to. Here, both the Snow cooling project and the façade mounted solar panels, serve as excellent examples in renewable energy usage and we have had several serious inquiries from the rest of the world already. Also, the long-distances between our municipalities and to our capital city of Stockholm, is encouraging us to travel less, using digital devices instead when sufficient, and to travel more environmentally friendly when we do”.

Ms Ericsson explains that, “rising awareness is a key factor in every successful change of habits, and also showing the alternative ways things can be done. CLEAN is facilitating just that, throughout the participating partners and spilling over in a positive way all over the world. We in Västernorrland are happy being a part of it!”


Organisation of one staff exchange

In November 2018, ALAV held one of the six staff exchanges that have taken place during the last year. A representative from Regional Council of North Karelia (Finland) and a stakeholder from Campania region (Italy) attended this project event. “We are showing the results of research here which seems very interesting to our visitors and, also, they have the opportunity to show their research. So, it is a real exchange”, adds Annacarin Ericsson.

Find out more and watch the video from the exchange.