Iasi Municipality, CLEAN partner from Romania, hosted the fifth partner meeting, study visits and seminar of the project. The events brought all nine partners together to discuss project progress, including, Regional Action Plans, and future steps.

During the first day, on April 10, Romanian partners held the Steering Group Committee meeting to review workplan, roles, responsibilities and contributions in the project. Furthermore, they had the opportunity to share visions, experiences and knowledge about local good practices and Regional Action Plans. They also discussed about how to improve user commitment and disseminate information to key actors and stakeholders groups.

The activities of the second day included the 4th interregional thematic seminar of the project: 'Energy Management and Efficiency in Homes and Buildings'. Local experts talked about smart cities, digital cities challenge and green buildings. The range of topics were focused in different things like building renovation, energy management, green buildings, energy efficiency in buildings, energy efficiency strategy, climate blocks program and sustainable development goals. 

Iasi Municipality also organised two study visits to:

  • Generation Plant for Technical University Campus in Iasi. This building rehabilitation provides electricity and thermal heat for 25 university student accommodation buildings housing 8,000 students.
  • Heating Plant, which provides thermal heat and hot water for the city. Although the partners could only visit this plant, they were explained that only 12 kilometres away there was another similar plant that was also supplying the city.