We interview Samuel Lesart from the Region Normandy (France) to find out more about how the CLEAN project is affecting and benefiting his work.

Why did you decide to take part in CLEAN?

In the frame of the Normandy sustainable buildings Scheme, the Normandy region fosters renovation and new buildings with low environmental impacts and with good energetic and economic performances. CLEAN project seems to be a good opportunity to learn from European partners on different possibility to optimize the financing of the energetic renovation of buildings, especially to prepare the incoming period post 2020. Although, the project is an opportunity to disseminate those good practices to local actors of the energetic renovation. Finally, CLEAN project enables the valorization of good practices from Normandy, especially about energetic renovation of social housing and the 'Norman Cheque eco-energy'. 


Have you participated in any staff exchanges or study visits?

I participated in a study visit in Slovenia which allowed me to discover Slovenian good practices, in particular about the energetic renovation of public buildings such as schools. 

In addition, we hosted the launching event of the CLEAN project in October 2017 in Normandy, we can also add the personal exchange at the end of November 2018. Those exchanges and study visits, enabled us to spotlight the global approach of the Normandy Region to foster energetic rehabilitation toward low consumption buildings and toward the regional dynamic for individual housing renovation.

Have you learnt any lessons from other stakeholders? Or, have you shared your expertise with them? 

During the study visit in Slovenia, I participated in an international seminar during which a presentation introduced us to energetic performance contracts concerning large scale building renovation. Moreover, I got the opportunity to visit a centralized management system in a technical high school which enabled 10 to 15% of energy economy in the concerned building. 

How are you benefiting from this international network? Is CLEAN impacting your work? 

To this day, CLEAN project didn’t change my daily work. Nevertheless, some good practices, especially concerning the use of the energetic performance contracts for the renovation of public buildings or even about the social building renovation, could be re-used in Normandy. CLEAN enabled first contacts in between our European partners for potential further cooperation. 


What do you expect from the CLEAN partnership?

CLEAN project made me discover how other European regions manage their territorial politics of energetic transition, which is a common challenge in the European Union. We hope that the innovative good practices identified in the frame of CLEAN could be implemented by the local actors implied in the energetic transition.