We interview Catalin Diaconu, Manager at Total Energy Solutions SRL (Romania) to discover how the CLEAN project is affecting and benefiting his daily work.

Why did you decide to take part in CLEAN?

I have been invited to join CLEAN project as a stakeholder due to the fact that I have a strong expertise on energy efficiency issues, I am a certified energy auditor and I have provided expertise to Iasi Municipality several times for energy strategic decisions. I have been involved in the creation and management of the first Energy Efficiency Agency for Iasi (created in the frame of a SAVE project, coordinated by the Municipality, on 2001) and the first Energetic Masterplan of Iasi City (on 2003) .

Have you participated in any staff exchanges or study visits?

I have attended all stakeholders meetings of the project in Iasi and also the European project meeting, on April this year. This was very interesting for me to meet all the project partners and other experts in the field, too .

Have you learnt any lessons from other stakeholders? Or, have you shared your expertise with them?

During that project meeting I have had the opportunity to see interesting good practices from Finland and Romania – particularly about Green buildings and smart cities solutions and I have shared my expertise about Energy management for cities in Romania. I also have had the opportunity to join the European partners to the study visits in Iasi and we have had interesting exchanges during these visits, too.

How are you benefiting from this international network? Is CLEAN impacting your work?

This project is a major opportunity to discover other European solutions and good practices in the field, to share my expertise, to learn about latest innovations and smart solutions and most of all to become part of an European network of specialist in the field on energy efficiency.

What do you expect from the CLEAN partnership?

To create an exchange of expertise, a sustainable network of experts and stakeholders, to stimulate implementation of innovative solutions from some project partners to others, to encourage and support European bonds and common solutions.