A unique decontamination and recycling plant in the Port of Gijón, Spain has opened, following approval by the European Commission. Investment amounting to over five million Euros has been sought to create this unique plant. Two companies, DDR Vessels and Suardiaz Group have participated in its construction and will be in charge of its operation.

The activities of the plant will focus on the specialised industrial recycling and management of naval waste. During its first phase, this ship recycling plant will occupy an area of 10,636 square metres where it will be possible to dismantle and decontaminate vessels of more than 500 gross tonnage. The decontamination centre will have a capacity to recycle up to 30,000 tons of waste per year. 

The Ministry of Infrastructure, Territory Planning and the Environment of the Principality of Asturias approved the Integrated Environmental Authorization for this factory in June 2017. Now, just two years later, it will be put into operation with the dismantling of two ships. 

On the one hand, the Principality had awarded the scrapping of the dredge 'Dragados Uno” to DDR Vessels and on the other hand, the company acquired the patrol boat 'Chilreu', discharged by the Navy.