The kick-off meeting of the CLIPPER project took place in Nantes on 21-22 February.

Project partners and regional stakeholders were welcomed by Paul Janneteau, and Vanessa Charbonneau, Vice-Presidents of the Pays de la Loire Regional Council.

In their speeches, Mr Janneteau and Ms Charbonneau stressed the importance of maritime industries in the Pays de la Loire region, and of collaboration between European regions in this area.

This was followed by a presentation of the key elements of the project and historical content, and by a discussion which involved regional stakeholders from the Pays de la Loire. Each partner also explained the expected benefits of the project for their territory. 

Partners also launched working groups and activities. Discussions focused on the key thematic work areas of the project which are: Individual performance of SMEs, Reinforcement of the value chains, Internationalisation and Risk-sharing (financing and investment tools).

The first day concluded with an on-site visit to Technocampus Océan.

The second day was dedicated to the first meeting of the Steering Committee, during which the partnership agreement and communication strategy for the project was discussed.

Find out more about the CLIPPER project; or visit the project's Twitter page.