[NEWS] Province of Brescia: e-MOPOLI final conference (phase 1)

On the 19th of May e-MOPOLI project partners will hold their Final Conference.

Dear Readers,

Province of Brescia – Lead Partner of the INTERREG project e-MOPOLI - Electro MObility as driver to support POLicy Instruments for sustainable mobility project Interreg EU – 2014-2020,

is glad to invite you to the e-MOPOLI Final Interregional Conference (phase 1) held on-line on 19th May 2021 from 09.00 AM to 01.00PM – CEST.

The meeting will be focused on presentation of project Outputs, such as Good Practices, Recommendations and on 9 Partners Regional Action Plan from Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Flanders, Finland, Norway, Romania and Latvia.

It will also the occasion to present Interreg Europe Programme first results and to discuss on future scenario of alternative fuel mobility.

Please find below and attached the Agenda, the registration form and the Zoom Platform links to connect to the meeting.

 • Agenda Here

• Registration here

• Link to zoom platform here

Register and do not miss the event!