[NEWS] Province of Brescia: e-MOPOLI final conference

On Wednesday 19 May 2021, the final interregional conference of the e-MOPOLI project was held, organised by the Province of Brescia, the project leader.

On the morning of Wednesday, 19 May 2021, the final Interregional Conference of the first phase of the European Project e-MOPOLI, co-financed by the Interreg Europe Programme and aimed at promoting sustainable mobility, in particular electric mobility and alternative fuels, in the 9 European partner regions of the project, was held online. The event was organised by the Province of Brescia, Lead Partner of the Project, and saw the participation of the Province as well as the General Secretariat of the Interreg Programme, the Project Partners and numerous stakeholders who connected from all over Europe. During the event, the results achieved by e-MOPOLI during the first phase of the project (from June 2018 to date) were presented, as well as the 9 Regional Action Plans drawn up by the Partners that identify a series of concrete actions to be implemented and monitored during the second phase of the project, from now until November 2022, to promote forms of electric mobility and alternative fuels in their territories. The actions identified by each partner are the result of intense interregional cooperation that has allowed representatives of different European regions to share good practices, knowledge, ideas and opinions, generating a virtuous circle that is extremely enriching and stimulating. This was followed in the afternoon by the "e-mobility cluster meeting", another event organised in this case by the Interreg Europe programme, which brought together in a very stimulating discussion all the representatives of European projects on electric mobility financed by the Interreg Europe programme, who had the opportunity to present their area of interest. The exchange allowed the transfer of knowledge and input that will help the projects to progress further and lay the foundations for the upcoming new programming phase 2021-2027.