[NEWS] Calabria Region: the regional action plan

In the context of the European project e-MOPOLI, which aims at promoting electric mobility and alternative fuels, on 14th May 2021 Region Calabria organized the third workshop with regional stakeholders to present the Action Plan that the Region will implement in the next two years of the project.

The stakeholders that have been collaborating with the Region for a long time in the e-MOPOLI project participated, including: The University of Calabria, the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, ATAM, the Provinces, the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria and the Municipality of Catanzaro. The objective of the workshop was to present the Action Plan through which the Region intends to promote and boost the spread of electric mobility and alternative fuels in its territory. The actions identified by the Plan should be implemented over the next few years, and include the purchase of hybrid diesel-electric "Blues" trains, the purchase of electric minibuses to be used for the transport of people to support tourist itineraries in some Calabrian municipalities, and finally the creation of the so-called "People Mover", a self-driving public transport system to connect the airport and the railway station of Lamezia Terme.

Thanks to the e-MOPOLI project, it was possible to share good practices, knowledge, ideas and opinions that have undoubtedly and consistently influenced and inspired the Action Plan drawn up by the Region. In fact, the Region's participation in the project was of considerable importance in this respect.