The experience of Calabria Region on action plan development

The Calabria Region Action Plan approaches the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) 2014-2020 of the Region, thanks to the strict cooperation among Regional Infrastructure Department, Regional Operational Programme Managing Authority and relevant stakeholders in the field of sustainable mobility.

The priorities defined in the Preliminary Action Plan are related to three main categories: Governance and Planning, Infrastructure and Economic incentive. The actions aim to promote new measures for the promotion of sustainable urban logistics, the creation of Living Lab for mobility and energy issues with an integrated and multi-governance approach, the promotion of sustainable mobility integrated in public and cycling mobility and of funding to allow Municipalities to develop SUMPs and related projects on sustainable mobility.

These measures come from the strict cooperation with regional stakeholders and from the lessons learned from other e-MOPOLI partners, especially Province of Brescia, Region Attica, Bucharest Region and Flanders. Calabria Region Action Plan is also based on a selection of Good Practices from these countries, such as charging and tolling policies favouring e-vehicles, the implementation of regional and provincial strategy for the electric charging stations and the use of RES for the charging infrastructures.

Based on this preliminary Action Plan, Calabria Region is nowadays working on the Final Action Plan, expected for autumn 2020. Some actions and measures could be revised in order to guarantee the concrete implementation and monitoring of the Action Plan in the region. So, stay tuned for next steps!