[NEWS] Brescia: 5 months of free e-charging stations

New electric charging stations in the city of Brescia and in car parks. Charging will be free for the first 5 months.

The partnership between the Municipality of Brescia, the Brescia Mobilità Group and A2A Energy Solutions has made it possible to extend the number of stations dedicated to charging electric vehicles within the city of Brescia in order to offer more sustainable and environmentally-friendly mobility solutions with 6 wallboxes in the main car parking facilities and 4 new charging stations on public land.

In the Vittoria, Arnaldo, Stazione, Ospedale Nord, Fossa Bagni and Piazza Mercato car parks, there is a special space reserved for electric charging with a wallbox, at which two electric vehicles can be charged at the same time (either cars or vans and either pure electric or plug-in hybrid models).

To charge your car, simply access the car parks in the usual way (ticket, season ticket or Telepass service), head to the dedicated spaces and follow the instructions that appear on the charging station display. In order to encourage the use of the charging stations in the car parking facilities, charging will be free for the first 5 months. The promotional flat rates envisaged for all the other locations in the city will then be applied.

The spaces dedicated to charging are located in easily identifiable areas marked in green, with a dedicated logo and signs guiding those needed to charge their electric car from outside the car park to the dedicated stations. The availability of each station can be checked in real time on the displays outside the car park and shortly via the dedicated page on the www.bresciamobilita.it website and almost instantly on Bresciapp!, the app dedicated to the city of Brescia, as well as on A2A’s E-Moving app.