[NEWS] Regional stakeholder group meeting in Kainuu

The Regional Council of Kainuu, PP6 e-MOPOLI partner, organised the planned regional stakeholder group meeting on 18.8.2020. The meeting took place online.

The purpose of the RSG meeting was to discuss the revised action plan and the next round of activities. The discussion addressed in more depth Action 1 of the PP6 action plan, the Alternative Mobility Strategy and the enhanced group of indicators proposed by PP6. The suggestions were approved.

One part of the AP that was discussed in depth was Action 3, with research prorities. Action 3 is inspired by e-MOPOLI, but does not result from explicit good practice transfer. However, it appeared to all of the regional stakeholders that it is an important aspect to retain. Action 3 is integrated into the Kainuu RIS3, currently under revision. Explicit reference to the e-MOPOLI project is also made there.

Two more issues were important to discuss, the new policy framework for alternative mobility and the planned extended stakeholder group meeting:

- The Green Deal policy priorities were discussed, with three of the action lines drawing a lot of interest as part of eligible project pipeline (Accelerating the shift to sustainable and smart mobility; Supplyig clean, affordable and secure energy; and Mobilising industry for a clean and circular economy); and the Six Key Startegic Value Chains (https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/37825) considering linkages especially to the Clean, connected and autonomous vehicles value chain.

- The extended regional stakeholder group meeting planned for autumn. It was agreed that most probably this meeting would take place online, in spite of the original plans. The purpose would be to embed more deeply the e-MOPOLI Kainuu action plan into regional, national, and EU policy priorities and discuss fundning opportunities.


The RSG meeting was attended by 10 persons, representing regional stakeholder institutions as follows:

- ELY Keskus (Regional Centre for Environment, Transport and Employment), ESF manager

- Kajaani University of Applied Sciences

- University of Oulu

- Loiste (private sector, energy business)

- Kainuun etu (regional development company)

- Regional Council of Kainuu (organiser)