[NEWS] e-vehicles charging stations for new Romanian buildings

A new law published on July 1st, 2020 establishes that all future Romanian buildings should have at least 20% of parking with electric or plug-in hybrid charging stations.

In order to support the European Commission's efforts towards climate neutrality and to reach the 2030 target to reduce carbon emissions and increase energy efficiency, Romania is aligning its national legislation with European directives on energy usage and is taking important steps to promote the use of clean energy sources in personal transport. A new law published on July 1st, 2020 establishes that all future buildings with a total number of parking spots equal to or bigger than 10 should have at least 20% of these equipped with charging stations for electric or plug-in hybrid. These requirements apply to structures for which construction permits will be submitted after March 10th, 2021. 

Owners of existing non-residential buildings with more than 20 parking spaces will need to install a number of charging stations for electric vehicles equal to at least 10% of the total number of parking spots, but not less than two charging points, until January 1st, 2025. Investors who create this type of structures are compelled to ensure the installation of recessed electrical cable piping for each parking space, in order to allow charging stations to be added later in the future. For the charging spots installation, the owners will submit an application together with the related technical documentation to local authorities and the permit will be granted according to a simplified procedure in maximum 45 days. Constructions owned and occupied by small and medium-sized companies are exempted from the duty to implement this new measure.

Authorities in other regions can support such legislative acts to complement other initiatives designed to encourage the purchase of electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions caused by urban transport, thus increasing the life quality in the concerned areas.