[NEWS] 150 new bikes for Brescia bike sharing 

From 2008 to today the Brescia Bike Sharing service has risen from 24 to 85 stations and the number of bicycles available from 150 to 600.

Brescia is the Italian city with the highest number in relation to the inhabitants of shared bikes at a fixed location. The service is called Bicimia and is managed by the Municipality through the Brescia Mobility Group. In fact, the Bicimia fleet is growing, with the introduction of 150 new bicycles at the service of the 85 city stations, which will partly implement the number of vehicles available to the now almost 30,000 subscribers to the service and partly replace older bikes.

The new bicycles were built on the basis of the project of the technicians of the Brescia Mobilità Group, to ensure that the lights are always active and the bike sharing can be used safely even during the evening hours: this important innovation will also be maintained for the next bicycles that will come into service in order to offer an increasingly modern service.  In 12 years from the first trial of the service, almost 4,423,000 trips have been recorded and 19,200,000 km have been traveled for a total saving of 2,879,984 kg of CO2

The strengthening of bike sharing also goes hand in hand with investments specifically aimed at road safety and those who travel by bike. Interventions are planned in eight critical points of the city road network and the removal of architectural barriers to ensure mobility in complete safety for all users.  A series of works are also underway to redevelop some existing cycle paths in order to make the routes safer, also thanks to an adequate lighting system that can help reduce risks on all longer journeys, from the suburbs to the historic center.