[NEWS] Action Plan progress in Kainuu Region

The Regional Council of Kainuu is continuing the processing of the action plan at regional and national levels and is organizing the extended e-MOPOLI event.

Following the Regional Stakeholder Group meeting (RSG) organised on 18.08.2020, several internal discussions integrating the e-MOPOLI Action Plan into the policy making process of the Regional Council of Kainuu have followed up during September 2020. The result of these discussions is that Action 1 of the Action Plan (improving the enabling framework) will be formulated in terms of objectives and target-actions, which will be integrated into the regional development programme, currently under revision as well.

Moreover, the organisation of the extended e-MOPOLI event, planned for mid-November 2020 continued. The extended event will be implemented as a combination of in situ and online participation options. National level contribution (Environment Minister) has been assured. The focus of the extended meeting will be "the impact of e-MOPOLI project in the context of alternative mobility as a regulatory & growth option for Kainuu.

Last but not least, Kainuu has integrated alternative mobility (applications of electrical mobility and biogas solutions) into the ongoing application for the Resilience and Recovery Facility.