[NEWS] e-Mopoli project event in Calabria

The e-Mopoli project event took place from 30th of September to 2nd of October in Calabria (Cosenza, Catanzaro and Reggio Calabria).

The 3 days full of initiatives (Interregional Learning Workshop; Round Tables and Interregional Field Visit and Staff Exchange meetings) held in Cosenza, Catanzaro and Reggio Calabria, began on 30 September with a staff exchange meeting at the University of Calabria and with a visit to the realities started by the Municipality of Cosenza in terms of sustainable mobility. The international workshop on October 1st was held in Catanzaro at the regional Citadel in live streaming with the European partners of the Interreg Europe e-Mopoli project. Open with greetings from President Santelli and the regional councilor for infrastructure Domenica Catalfamo.


After a brief introduction, the Councilor explained the Calabrian initiatives to the partners, highlighting that the Region will continue in this direction by enhancing all the actions initiated but also by launching new initiatives consistent with the EU sustainable mobility program. In the morning, were illustrated the activities that Anas (smart road) and Trenitalia (new regional trains) are carrying out in full synergy with the Calabria Region. This was followed by the round table in which the representatives of the partner countries participated in streaming and which recorded an important feedback thanks to the activities illustrated by managers and officials of the Infrastructure Department of the Calabria Region.

In the afternoon, during the visit to the Municipality of Catanzaro, the city's mobility system was presented (funicular operated by AMC, charging infrastructure for electric cars, bike sharing system, underground construction sites). On 2nd of October in Reggio Calabria after ATAM's illustration of the car sharing system created by the Metropolitan City, in the afternoon Councilor Catalfamo introduced a fruitful staff exchange meeting with the DIIES Department (Information Engineering of Infrastructures and Sustainable Energy) of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria in which the important research laboratories.

At the end of the day, a video produced by Hitachi Rail was also shown on the productions of the Reggio plant with particular focus on the new hybrid trains that will be purchased by the Calabria Region. The trains built with innovative technologies are equipped with diesel engines for non-electrified lines and with pantographs for electrified lines. Convoys that, thanks to the batteries, capable of increasing autonomy, will be able to travel in the non-electrified sections of the line when approaching urban centers or during the stop in the station before departure, considerably reducing polluting emissions and noise, with benefits both for the environment and for the management costs in terms of diesel savings.


For the full article (in Italian) visit the Calabria Region website https://www.regione.calabria.it/website/portaltemplates/view/view.cfm?19279