Within the ecoRIS3 project eHealth Territorial LAB pilot action, the monitoring process has been tested through two different solutions.
The first solution has been designed with the possibility of participants using their personal smartphone with mobile data connection. People using this solution receive a text message with a link leading into the web app where participants can find a questionnaire to be filled out with all the medical parameters related data.
This approach has been used for participants already owning a smartphone equipped with Internet connection (wi-fi or Mobile Data)
However, among selected participants occurred scenarios in which people did not have a smartphone or an Internet connection.
Given the goal of being as inclusive as possible a second solution has been implemented providing them with Internet access through FWA technology and a Beta Version application installed on a Tablet device.
This solution, totally independent of mobile network coverage, was made possible thanks to the technological contribution of Iren Energia and Eolo SpA.
Iren Energia is the Iren Group company active in the production of electricity and in the production and distribution of thermal energy for district heating and in technological services while Eolo SpA is a national telecommunication operator and ultra-broadband FWA provider.
The involvement of these actors has been fundamental to enhance connectivity within areas affected by the Pilot Action and to enable new opportunities for exchanging data through FWA networks. FWA networks in fact, meaning Fixed Wireless Access, represent essential technological solutions for bridging the infrastructural digital divide at territorial level and for curbing depopulation in remote and rural areas.
For further information on the eHealth Territorial Lab contact:
Chiara Bergeretti, Project Assistant, Consorzio TOP-IX, chiara.bergeretti@top-ix.org
Claudia Fassero. Metropolitan City of Turin, claudia.fassero@cittametropolitana.torino.it