Since last summer, the EURE partners have been busy implementing their Action Plan to bring transformation at local level. Where do they currently stand? Are there already some visible improvements? Atlantic Cities tells us more about the changes that started to appear in Brittany following the EURE Brittany Action Plan.
Can you summarise your Action Plan in one or two sentences?
In the action plan we included two actions:
1) Communicate to small and medium-sized Breton municipalities on the new ERDF/ESF+ 2021-2027 programme, by creating and disseminating information bulletins on ERDF grant opportunities in the field of energy, ecological and climate transition.
2) Communicate and prepare a list of suggestions to facilitate access to the European Structural and Investment Funds, especially for medium and small municipalities, in the framework of the ERDF/ESF+ 2021-2027 programme.
What have you already implemented?
We already delivered the list of suggestions to the Brittany Region, the ERDF Managing Authority of the Region in December 2022. We are currently delivering the information bulletins on ERDF grant opportunities, as we already shared two on the three planned.
Do you already have some first evaluation? How are the changes brought by the Action Plan welcomed by the local actors?
Not yet but we are hoping to have some feedbacks soon from the local authorities. The realisation of this action plan has been a bottom-up process involving the local authorities and realised according to their needs.
The project is finishing in a few months, do you already know if you will follow-up on the Action Plan? How?
We will realise a follow up of this action plan, asking the local authorities about its efficiency and we also hope to pursue the animation of this group of stakeholders in the framework of our work as a city network.