The second meeting of the stakeholder group began with the reminder of the general objective of the Interreg Europe Program and follows it also with the presentation of the project framework by the regional leader partner (CEEIM, Herminia Real)–the chronological frame, the role of the stakeholder group inside the project and the activities that should take place along the project lifetime-.

Then, the role of the stakeholder group continued to be reminded, indicating their expected contribution to various project activities, such as analysis of the regional situation, detection of good practices and their collaboration in the development of the Regional Action Plan, the main output of the project. Likewise, the importance of their participation, in a timely manner, was emphasized in the regional and interregional events that develop the project throughout its lifetime.

After that, the members of the stakeholder were asked about the main ideas that they would have about:

-Policy Learning Platform: database of good practices

-Generate a database of public and private investors at European level

-Presentation of good practices in terms of access to funding

-Collect relevant information on measures to facilitate access to funding (development contribution Action Plan)