On the 14 th of November 2018, representatives of the FFWD Europe project, Vaiva Kelmelyte and Ramune Guogiene from Kaunas Science and Technology Park and Valeria Sottili from Metropolitan City of Turin, participated in the thematic workshop on „Fostering entrepreneurship and business creation“ in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The event focused on the latest trends and the developments from the European perspective and discussed ways of how regions and European initiatives can team up for entrepreneurial support.

Presentations and the panel discussions were followed by the Good practices for business support from various Interreg projects. FFWD Europe good practices included the INVEGA fund that provides access to finance for business creation and development and the policy improvement efforts to setup a new Accelerator in Lithuania.

The workshop ended with the in-depth discussions in small working groups. The participants discussed the challenges, experience and results achieved so far in the topics of support infrastructures (incubators, accelerators, co-working spaces), funding schemes and awareness (education and training).