On June 4th at the Białystok Science and Technology Park, Podlaska Regional Development Foundation (Białystok, Poland) organized a meeting for companies from the Podlaskie voivodeship, called Business Breakfast.

The entrepreneurs had an occasion to talk about the opportunities offered by foreign markets.

Business breakfast was organized as part of the FAST FORWARD EUROPE project, whose aim is to strengthen economic cooperation between entrepreneurs thanks to a more efficient use of aid funds from the European Union. We also try to strengthen business environment institutions that support entrepreneurs. This goal is to be achieved through the exchange of good practices between representatives of SMEs and business support institutions.

The participants were informed about the objectives of the project, as well as its activities and future benefits. During the meeting, we also presented services for entrepreneurs interested in, among others, attracting foreign partners, going to foreign fairs, getting new markets, and getting financial support from the European Union. In

Participating in such a breakfast always offers also a great opportunity to talk in an informal atmosphere with entrepreneurs who are interested in establishing cooperation with contractors from abroad. The meeting took place at the Białystok Science and Technology Park, which is the PRDF’s partner in the FFWD project.