Brittany organized an INKREASE Learning Camp on 21 september with the stakeholders involved in European affairs.

This session tackled the issue of boosting the number of H2020 collaborative projects involving stakeholders from Brittany.

Academics from Brittany are highly active in European networks and manage to draw many European collaborative projects. Nevertheless, involving companies remains a big challenge for the upcoming years. 

Some reasons can explain these difficulties: language skills, attractive national funding, lack of knowledge regarding the European project opprotunities, administrative complexity, lack of lisibility of support...

To adress this issue, the Brittany Region organized a learning camp with the representatives of technopole, clusters, universities in charge of European affairs. 

Marina Martinez-Garcia, in charge of H2020 program for the Spanish government, was invited to introduce Spanish strategy and share good practices about growing the number of companies involved.

The agenda of the INKREASE learning camp:

- Keynotes about S3 strategies and European project support in Brittany
- Workshop about chain of support
- Workshop about lobbying and communication in Brussels