The 3. INKREASE learning camp will be held in Rennes, on 28th and 29th November. It will band together academics and companies to explore new ways of innovation, such as biomimicry and transdisciplinary.

Debates will be focused on two thematic:

- how creativity, design and transdisciplinary can boost the processes of Research Laboratories?

- how biomimicry approaches can be used and supported inside companies and laboratories?

A set of relevant speakers coming from several universities and companies have been selected to run keynotes and workshops. Concrete propositions will result of the debates and strengthen innovation policies led by the Region council of Brittany.

Bethany Laursen is PhD at the Michigan State University (US) and an expert of interdisciplinarity. She designed a the Toolbox Dialogue Initiative, which provides a philosophical yet practical enhancement to cross-disciplinary: /

She will deliver a speech and run several workshops during the learning camps.

2 speakers would come from the Know innovation-team (UK). They have designed and developed a methodology devoted to academics based on creativity, which enables an interdisciplinary approach. They will deliver speeches and run workshop during the learning camp.

Several speakers are expected to help the audience to explore the wonderful world of biomimicry. Nature is a source of inspiration to innovate. We have a lot to learn about the ways found by the biosphere to design efficient solutions. Henry Duchemin, a beekeeper will enlight the modes of cooperation developed inside the hives. Sea is also a world of innovation to watch and translate into new businesses: one researcher and two entrepreneurs will introduce their success stories. A designer will also explain his daily work to turn R&D problem into new solutions inspired by nature. 

A workshop will be scheduled, opening the debate on the ways to improve the regional innovation policies, so that they could provide an efficient support regarding the development of these new approaches.

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