Closing the phase 1 of Inkrease project, a conference will be held in Bologna on the 26th of March 2019. Project partners will present the first results of Inkrease: Good Practices and Regional Action Plans. Along with their regional stakeholders, they will discuss the role of Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIS) as accelerators of innovation and growth for our communities, countries and for the European Union.  

The scope is to increase awareness at any level and especially at the EU level about the key role of RIS in maximizing the impact of research & innovation policies and generate ideas for their further improvement.

Our main issue is to point out further specific features and potentialities of RIS in terms of networking, collaboration, cross-industry contamination, evolution of organization and behavior of protagonists. Interaction between actors, contamination between different technologies and industries, connection between different RIS will be encouraged as well.

Then, the conference will be divided into 3 panel sessions:

1. Mobilizing regional communities for innovation

2. S3 and cross-industry contamination in regional projects

3. Reinforcing interregional co-operation and complementarities

For each session (1:30 hour), there will be a keynote speech, interviews to selected panelists and some open debate with the public.

Partners will be accompanied by their regional stakeholders (clusters, technopoles, research and technology transfer centers, startups, innovative companies). In front of EU representatives (of European Commission, associations and agencies), they will present successful projects that required the collaboration of regional firms and laboratories in different technology and industrial fields, that show how the ecosystem can generate original innovation projects. Partners will also present their Action Plans for the project’s Phase 2.

In addition, they will present cases of concrete interregional co-operation projects, generated by the participation of the ecosystem to EU platforms (Vanguarde Initiative, S3 platforms), to Interreg projects, or other bilateral or multilateral co-operation initiatives.

The conference will be a unique opportunity of networking with innovative actors across Europe, to trigger new collaborations and partnerships that will shape the future of innovation at territorial, interregional and European levels.