“Online open innovation platforms versus classic networks - how do they coexist and where are the trends?”
Lower Austria will launch the Platform House of Digitalization. It is an important interface for the digital transformation and is currently being set up as an interactive platform with personalized services and an automated suggestion system for networking Lower Austrian companies with research and educational institutions and as a meeting place for the interested public in the field of digitalization.
How could this kind of platform help clusters and innovation networks? How could open innovation platforms give more impact on new ideas and solutions?
This event, organized by the team of the INKREASE INTERREG project will give the floor to the regions and share their experiences related to the online open innovation platform.
The online discussion is opened to all types of participants. You are welcome.
17th September 2020 - 10.00 - 12.30 - link to be communicated
More information: Karin Herzog - [email protected]