On May 27, a visit was made online (due to the pandemic) to show how Extremadura is working against the IAS. A total of five videos have been presented, in addition to introductory ones, to teach Extremadura environmental potentials. They are, 3 videos of performances in front of EEI (water hyacinth, Mexican water lily and American mink), a study to act against invasive tree species (through the use of saprophytic fungi) and a presentation of a project to promote the conservation of a protected species (Pyrenean desman) that is directly affected by an IAS (American mink).

The activity aimed to provide information so that the partners could know and transpose these actions in their territories, an action that took place, due to the fertility of the debate, making available actions not known by other partners of the Invalis project, complying with one of its precepts. The activity is focused on providing accurate information, so that members can learn about and transpose these actions in their territories. Task took place, due to the productiveness of the debate, making available actions known to other partners of the Invalis project, complying with one of its precepts. At the end, the link of the videos was sent, so that the partners could make use of them in their activities.

Links to the action videos A3.4

Water hyacinth

American mink

Mexican water lily

saprophytic fungi


Online meeting