The kick-off Steering Group meeting of the INVALIS project was hosted by National Center for Environment and Sustainable Development (NCESD), in Athens, Greece, on the 5th and 6th of July 2018, with the participation of all project partners.

The meeting was organised in sessions, during which participants delivered presentations addressing all aspects of the activities foreseen by INVALIS. At the end of each session, discussion took place, enabling participants to clarify issues, introduce considerations, set directions, and reach decisions by consensus. The meeting concluded with a mutual understanding of the work expected by each partner work during the 1st semester.

Overall, all participants to the meeting considered the kick-off meeting as a successful start of a very promising project and the Lead Partner thanked all participants for their presence and their significant contributions. As it was demonstrated during the meeting, all partners are eager to bring in their experience and knowledge to engage in interregional policy learning, and to make sure that the project will be implemented in the best possible way.