"Cultural Heritage and Sustainability: Practical Guide" prepared within the KEEP ON project raised substantial interest and is used by a number of interested readers worldwide. Sustainability of cultural heritage is a burning issue to be considered from the economic, environmental, social and cultural point of view. This complex process requires a dedicated approach accompanied with new knowledge in order to meet different heritage management challenges. As there is no such book on the Croatian market while heritage sustainability challenges remain, the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) decided to prepare and adapt the mentioned Practical Guide in the book to be published in the Croatian language. Thus, "Priručnik za održivost kulturne baštine" has been prepared for publication. The structure of the book follows the challenges-solution logic: it first deals with some challenges or threats to heritage sustainability (e.g. poor maintenance, over-tourism, staged authenticity, false uniqueness, poor management, standardization, etc.), and then offers possible solutions illustrated with good practice examples. Responses to financial, socio-cultural, environmental, political, management challenges or those related to heritage values are offered. Concrete examples include those studied within the KEEP ON project but also other ones, from Croatia and worldwide. The Guide finally offers the key advice for sustainable heritage management to conclude with a separate chapter with concrete measures and indicators of heritage sustainability. These are a result of the IRMO researchers’ scientific effort and should serve heritage policy makers in ensuring sustainability by integrating them into public policies. The Guide is currently with the publisher (Jesenski i Turk) and will be available for Croatian readers between July and September 2022.