On the 9th February, in Ourense (Spain), occurred the Final Dissemination Event of the project KEEP ON, organized by the Lead Partner, INORDE. It was participated by more than 50 persons, with some more assisting online through the live emission, that was available on Facebook and also on YouTube channels (with Spanish translation on YouTube).
The event was the public event for the project closure, after 5 years of intense cooperation activity and gathered the representatives of all partners and territories associated to the project, coming from Poland, Spain, Greece, The Netherlands, Italy, Croatia and Portugal. Also, there were several stakeholders, allowing this way a deeper exchange of experiences and knowledge, helpful for the arising of conclusions that valorise the sustainability of cultural heritage projects in the coming period 2023-2030.
Very relevant was also the participation of the JTS of INTERREG EUROPE, programme who funded and assisted the project, whose contribution has been essential for the project success.
During the event, the participants shared their experiences within cultural heritage, especially those representing stakeholders from the various countries participating in the project.
The video recording of the event is available on the LP page: https://www.facebook.com/inordeourense