Integrated use of the cultural and natural resources of the Molise region.
The Municipality of Termoli, as a leading partner of the city administration of Termoli, presented to the Molise region a project for implementation of "Marketing actions for integrated use of cultural and natural resources and promotion of tourist destinations" within ROP-ERDF 2014-2020. Axis 5 - Environment, Culture and Tourism. Measure 5.3.1: Support for the integrated use of cultural and natural resources and promotion of tourist destinations. The project is aimed at implementing the Delphin Coast plan and provides for the announcement of several public announcements. The Municipality of Termoli has commissioned the preparation and implementation of a communication plan to support the integrated use of cultural and natural resources and the integrated promotion of tourist destinations in the region. An contractor has been selected who has started to develop an integrated communication and promotion plan to support the launch of a new tourist destination consisting of 4 different municipalities: Termoli, Campomarino, Guglionesi and San Giacomo degli Schiavoni, considering several activities to create of promotional support of the territorial strategies for development of tourism and ecotourism.
Actions to develop an integrated communication and promotional plan in support of the launch of a new tourist destination are underway, with the participation of 4 municipalities, 4 different thematic clusters, 20 routes, 50,000 printed advertising materials (leaflets, brochures, etc.), 165 videos (360 ° immersive videos involving local stakeholders, local tourist SMEs, hotels, restaurants, citizens, etc.), 5,000 cardboard Virtual reality.
This is the largest public investment ever made to promote tourism in the region with a duration of 14 months, which includes all typical activities (market research, strategy, branding, digital channels, advertising, events, materials, marketing, destination management, training). The contribution of the Land - Sea project, which will have an impact on the communication plan, will be related to the promotion of ecotourism packages. In addition, clear references to the Land - Sea project will be made in the communication plan as well as in the communication materials, and the logo will also be used for promotional purposes.
The inspiration for directing the financing of promotional interventions in the integrated cultural, tourist and marketing offer of the urban area of Termoli is borrowed from the General Government of Catalonia in the Ebro Delta Natural Park (Spain) which uses the ECST Model (European Charter for Sustainable Tourism). The central element is the development of a common strategy for sustainable tourism, the aim of all activities is to preserve the natural and cultural heritage and continuously improve tourism in the protected area in terms of environment, local population, businesses and consumers.
In addition to what has been achieved so far, the Municipality of Campomarino has approved the final project for coastal expansion and restoration of a coastal pine forest. Activities on this project have been delayed due to the COVID-19 situation. The actions were stagnant and only on 16 April 2021 the affected area was determined as state property, managed by the Molise region.