Budapest (HU) was stage for the LOCARBO project 4th Steering Group and 5th TWT meeting on 6-7 March.
The two-day event agenda included public and closed sessions to provide the LOCARBO project partners, and respective Managing Authorities representatives, with the opportunity to share energy efficiency best practices.
An extensive 1st day programme started with the presentation of the LOCARBO Local Living Lab and the noble Virtual Power Plant Programme Award public ceremony, which offered several prizes to a representative number of municipalities, enterprises, schools and students which have been distinguished for good practices in the energy efficiency topic.
Then an interesting Managing Authorities Café, in a closed session for the project partners and Managing Authorities representatives, to present the experiences gained so far and discuss how LOCARBO regional action plans will foster the improvement of the addressed policy instruments, targeting demand-driven initiatives to increase energy efficiency in the built environment.
The 1st day ended with the presentation of the Good Practices Inventory, according to each thematic pillar scope (services, organizational structures and technological solutions), and giving special emphasis to most innovative and relevant practices.
The 2nd day started with a guided visit to an Energy Efficiency Demo Building (Passive House), which allowed the visualization and understanding of its systems and appliances. The meeting ended with more dedicated internal partnership activities, such as the presentation of the Action Plans status and Institutional Learning Platform experiences, and the 4th Steering Committee meeting to confer the technical and financial project issues.