The Swedish partners from Kalmar County municipalities wanted to learn more about the Systems Link Energy Management software that Durham County has been using successfully for years to manage and reduce bills for gas, electricity and water. Durham’s good practice in this area has been internationally recognised.

Helen Grayshan said “We’re really pleased that our work in saving energy through careful monitoring has been recognised by partners in Europe, and that we were able to share our knowledge with them. We look forward to hearing about them implementing similar systems in Sweden!” 

The Southeast Energy Office Sweden is jointly owned by all municipalities and regions in the Southeast of Sweden supporting the transition to a sustainable energy system. They deliver the EU project EMPOWER within Sweden and the Kalmar County exchanging information and best practice on energy efficiency lead projects.  

“We chose to visit Durham in the UK and look at the Systems Link Energy management software which has been highlighted as a very good example,” says Lena Eckerberg, Development Manager at Energy Office South East. “We have studied several good European examples of energy measurement and control as well as financing models. We participate in EU projects on behalf of our members to find the best examples in Europe that contribute to the development of municipalities and our regions, this sometimes means taking representatives from the municipalities on enriching study visits as in this case. "  

The day centred around our team sharing an overview of Durham and the LOCARBO objectives which through successful apply of initiatives continue to reduce CO2e emissions.  

Elias Kristmansson from Borgholm Municipality said “It was interesting to find out how to communicate and visualize energy use. We will pick up a lot of the ideas introduced in Durham and introduce something similar in Borgholm.”