The ‘Interregional Cooperation for Energy Transition Day’, co-organized by Interreg Europe and REBUS, VIOLET and SET-UP projects, brought together Interreg Europe projects with an interest in improved policy for the multifaceted topic of energy transition in Europe. The agenda, using a mix of interactive panels, keynote speeches and a competition, encouraged partners to discuss their common challenges to energy transition. Challenges were established according to a co-creational approach, where each project was consulted in advance for their definition. This inter-project collaboration initiative gathered 14 different low carbon Interreg Europe projects in a Business Case competition organized by Resolvo.

Carla Pires from GAIURB, the municipal company of urbanism and housing of the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal), partner in the LOCARBO project, presented an Energy Transition Business Case on New Collaborative and Adaptive Controls for Personalized and User-Friendly Energy Audits.


The ‘Thematic Workshop on Energy Efficiency in Buildings’, organized by Interreg Europe focused on how low-carbon projects can work together and maximize the impact. Group discussions on how the Policy Learning Platform can assist Interreg Europe projects took place and participants discussed the good practices identified by other projects.

Zoltan Oletics, from the Hungarian Innovation and Efficiency Nonprofit Ltd., presented the Virtual Power Plant Programme, a Good Practice from the LOCARBO project.


In the course of both events, many different approaches and solutions were shared on how to meet the goals of the European Union.