The county of Northeim is partner in the European project MOVE (Mobility Opportunities Valuable to Everybody). MOVE is a mobility project from the EU's Interreg North Sea Region programme, focusing on theme 4 “Green transport and mobility".

Rural areas face major challenges: an ageing society, widely dispersed villages, commuting to the city, declining populations in small towns, etc. Many people in rural areas use their own car. Those who cannot afford their own car or have no driving license usually find it harder to find work or are unable to use the local infrastructure. Both older and younger people depend on public transport. Often there are gaps in the timetable or on weekends the bus runs only a few times a day in some villages. Unreadable timetables, delays or long transfer times make public transport unattractive.

In order to meet these challenges, MOVE brings together local administrations, knowledge centres and economic actors at European level to shape the objectives of sustainable mobility - affordable and flexible - and reduce individual car use, emissions and costs. MOVE supports multimodal transport hubs that allow you to switch from one mode of transport to another.

The county of Northeim will implement an electric car sharing and electric bike rental project as part of a pilot project. To this end, a local partnership was established within the project between the county of Northeim and the regional public transport authority South Lower Saxony (ZVSN). The project is scientifically supported by the University of Göttingen.