P2L2 Updates and Final Conference
P2L2 is in its monitoring phase, which began on April 2018. Partners are currently implementing their respective regional action plans
The Public Policy Living Lab (P2L2) project supports countries and regions invested in the field of advanced materials by introducing or improving local policy to support innovation in this field.
The project aims at real changes, and that needs more than simply sharing good practices. For example, one of the project deliverables – the limited mapping tool will soon help different regions align development strategies by reducing overlaps and gaps, and by finding complementarity and opportunities for European collaboration.
P2L2 is an Interreg project with the European Commission. For that reason, P2L2 supports the EC’s National/Regional Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3). These strategies, among other things, focus on enhancing each region’s particular strengths, competitive advantages and potential for excellence.
The project has a budget of 1,748,206.00 Euros. It will last for four years, running from the 1st of April 2016 until the 31st of May, 2020.
During this time, partners form each region will compare, collaborate and consult each other on how to improve their respective policy instruments. Each will create an action plan which will be executed and monitored during the latter half of the project’s duration.
Research and innovation
The project has 10 partners from six regions/countries. Every participating region represents a policy tool they want to improve.
The State of Bremen (Germany) has several policy tools for fostering research, development, and innovation in regional enterprises. This project focuses on EcoMat – a center for eco-efficient materials & technology that involves actors from industry such as Airbus and research.
The Podkarpackie Province is a region with a strong regional focus on Aviation and Defence industries. Their policy tool aims at constantly involving stakeholders into policy framing, creating medium-term strategies, identifying business and scientific fields of excellence, and developing cooperation projects.
The Piemonte region in Italy focuses onestablishing advanced materials as key enabling technology across a wide range of industries. Promoting advanced materials as a cross-sectional element of different production processes would boost innovation potential.
The Aquitaine region (France) focuses on the field of chemistry for developing the competitiveness of advanced materials.
Their aim is to check whether their strategy is appropriate in terms of creating an innovation ecosystem, industrialising businesses, and demonstrating their crosscutting capacity with other specialization areas.
Denmark pursues its own Cluster and Network Strategy. This strategy is an attempt to integrate innovation networks at both the national and regional level. The aim is to create an effective framework for knowledge sharing and growth in the networks, while optimizing the delegation and coordination of tasks among the involved public bodies.
Lithuania presents its Innovoucher LT policy instrument. The aim of the instrument is to encourage business-science cooperation by providing SMEs with a voucher to perform R&D activities with research institutions. Innovouchers are one of the supportive services in the field of Lithuanian advanced materials sector.
The overall objective of this policy instrument is to foster research, development and innovation in regional enterprises in the field of advanced materials as a basis for future growth and job creation. Advanced materials have been identified as one of the priority areas of the Bremen smart specialisation strategy (RIS3) and have developed to be the most important field of activity in terms of R&D and innovation in the Bremen aerospace industry and are also of importance for other major regional clusters such as automotive and wind energy. The transnational ‘materials and processes’ activities of Airbus are managed from Bremen. The region provides important input from its actors for composites, metals, surface technology and assembly. In order to concentrate competencies and R&D infrastructures in this area, the EcoMaT center for eco-efficient materials & technologies is currently being built in Bremen. EcoMaT shall serve as a focal point for cooperation between different industrial based clusters, supporting thus the field of materials science and its engineering applications.
The policy instrument is based on the Bremen ERDF programme in which fostering the development of a competitive regional economy based on knowledge and innovation is one of the key objectives (Bremen ERDF programme, p.5) and the “strengthening of a specialised business driven innovation system” is one of the four priority areas of the programme (Bremen ERDF programme, p. 27ff).
Advanced materials is one of the main long-term strategic priorities for Aquitaine. This choice has been recently strengthened by the “Entrepreneurial Discovery Process” (EDP) achieved during the design phase of Aquitaine’s (RIS3). The feedback from the Aquitaine’s innovation ecosystem to the questionnaires, meetings and interviews set-up during EDP by the Regional Council of Aquitaine highlighted the relevance of Advanced Materials as a specialization area for the 2014–2020 programming period (pages 16-18, 118-119 of the main RIS3 document, ratified by the Regional Parliament in its plenary session of 14th October, 2014).
As all other, “Advanced materials” has a first series of common objectives to fulfill:
On top of these base objectives, 3 specific ones were assigned to Advanced Materials:
Each of these 6 objectives has a certain number of indicators (typically number of projects fulfilling the respective criteria), in order to ascertain the relevance of the specialization area and allow its assessment.
The primary purpose of this instruments is to permanently strengthen cooperation between the main partners of regional development, strengthening particular developments. (Operational Programme, Piority 1 / Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Podkarpackiego na lata 2014-2020, 3rd March 2015, page 75ff, 288).
The main objectives are:
Compared with other EU regions, Piedmont region has identified in a gap-analysis a development potential. The Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2014 places Piemonte as ‘Follower’ region. The Regional Innovation followers perform close to average on most indicators except for Innovative SMEs collaborating with others and SMEs innovating in-house, where average performance is 35% resp. 18% above that of the EU average. The Innovation followers perform less well on indicators related to the performance of their business sector: performance on R&D expenditures in the business sector, Non-R&D expenditures and EPO patent applications is below 90% that of the EU. The Region identifies the fragmentation of productive system -increased by the crisis - the main obstacle to the participation to research and innovation programs, particularly at international level.
This concrete problem analysis encourages us to cooperate in P2L2 with others which are partially “more advanced” and from which we could learn and in particular to establish “policy learning cooperation”.
This PI is based on the 'Strategia per la specializzazione intelligente del Piemonte, Asse Crescita intelligente versione 30.06.2015' on page 105, 116.
Clusters and networks play an important role as drivers of growth and innovation at the local, regional and national level in Denmark. Network organizations help companies to create innovations and commercial viable projects particularly for advanced materials, as well as establishing public-private partnerships, which can yield solutions to societal challenges.
In the regional growth and development agreements among the government and regional growth fora (2012) the guidelines for the Danish Network and Cluster Strategy was established. This Strategy is an attempt to integrate innovation networks at both the national and regional level, thus creating an effective framework for knowledge sharing and growth in the networks, while optimizing the delegation and coordination of tasks among the involved public bodies. The Danish Network and Cluster Strategy is a continuation of previous efforts with the same scope, but is also intended to gather, focus and strengthen all areas of the network and cluster agenda, as well as create synergy among the regional growth fora initiatives and the government’s efforts in cluster development.
Stakeholders, such as business and employer organizations, research and education institutes/centres and other important actors like 8 Ministries, have been included in a common work group. The Danish Ministry of Education and Science is the head of the common work group of, which is tasked with updating the strategy and implementing changes.
Programme “Innovouchers LT” aims to promote innovative activities in SMEs, encourage business-science co-operation and commercialisation of public research results. Innovoucher entitles SMEs to buy R&D expertise or knowledge from research institutions. There are three activities supported under the programme: research (industrial or applied research), technological development (experimental or development, design and technological works), preparation of technical feasibility studies. Applicants may receive up to € 6.000 for contracts with research institutions under which specific R&D services may be performed. Companies may choose a service from a list which includes nearly 2000 R&D services of different types. Applicants may get funding for up to 80 percent of total project eligible costs.
The programme speeds up knowledge transfer and commercialization of research results. As a result, companies are encouraged to use the latest scientific achievements in their business. The appeal of “Innovouchers LT” is related to its simplicity and low administrative burden both for beneficiaries and administrators. The programme has been run since 2012.
In Lithuania there is a growing demand for products and services in the field of advanced materials, which can be supported via the “Innovouchers LT”.
P2L2 is in its monitoring phase, which began on April 2018. Partners are currently implementing their respective regional action plans
The Danish cluster and innovation network landscape is in transition and a new Act on Business Promotion was passed in December 2018
Piedmont Region and other local partners lay the groundwork for future cooperation actions with the Ministry of Economics, Labour and Ports in Bremen.
The first meeting of the Regional Steering Committee for Materials and Chemistry was held during the VIV industry event in Bordeaux.
Lithuanian Action Plan includes 7 main action steps in order to improve the Innovouchers’ policy instrument
The 1st Metapanel of Intelligent Specializations of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship was organized in Podkarpackie Region, Poland.
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Update on the Lithuanian P2L2 action plan
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