Stakeholders of the P2L2 project met in Bremen to visit key innovation institutions in Bremen and discuss potential opportunities for collaboration.  

This  Bremen study visit is significant for several reasons. In terms of advanced materials, Bremen is a hub for Airbus materials and processes activities, and EcoMat – a center for eco-efficient materials & tech – also built in Bremen. In addition to this, several world-renown research organizations also operate in Bremen. Bremen has close links to neighboring Länder Niedersachsen and Hamburg. Additionally, Bremen, being both a city and federal state, has a rather unique position as it has a "direct door" to the national ministries.

In the Public Policy Living Lab (P2L2) project, countries and regions across Europe collaborate to improve regional policies that support innovation in the field of advanced materials. One of the ways ts is achieved is through study visits, where stakeholders visit each of the participating partners to learn about the local innovation ecosystem and exchange ideas. 

One of these study visits took place in Bremen from September 27 and 29, 2016. 

In this regional study visit, following the fishbowl methodology, the participants exchanged knowledge and experiences on the Bremen policy instrument, specifically about the ECOMAT Centre for ecoefficient materials and technologies which is currently under construction.

In these two and a half days, the partners visited the Alfred Wegener Polar Research Institute (AWI) and met with representatives from the Bionic Lightweight Design and Functional Morphology Department, the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (IFAM), the Carbon Fibre Composite Centre (CFK) and the research facilities of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR).During these three days, stakeholders were given a tour of key innovation institutions in Bremen where they and entered into dialogue about potential opportunities for collaboration. 

 Detailed report of the Bremen Study visit.


Experts from the Bremen Ministry for Economic Affairs and  Bremen Economic Development Ltd (Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH, WFB): Ms Caroline Privat, Ms Maike Frese, Mr Bastian Müller and Mr Jan Casper-Damberg.

Partners visiting the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) large scale research autoclave