The storage tank Olivella is located in the municipality of Sant'Elia Fiumerapido (FR). It has a length of 123 m and width of 72 m, for a total area of 8656 sqm
The project envisaged the installation of a fixed floating photovoltaic system on the bath surface, integrated with the structures.
The energy produced is used for self-consumption for the operation of the lifting plant and the excess is fed into the net.
The photovoltaic power station consists of 1432 modules (total capturing surface: 2329.68 mq), organized in 5 floating islands connected by removable stainless steel walkways with access and spacer function. Each island consists of multiples of floating units consisting of 4 photovoltaic panels and 8 floating each of 1.02 Kwp.
The passage of the cables to the floating island is ensured by a channeled system fixed to the metal structure.

Resources needed

The investment of this project was: € 954.357,65

Evidence of success

total power installed: 365.16 kWp
TOE saved in a year 84,46

Potential for learning or transfer

The project is replicable in other buildings throughout the region. Both in private and in public buildings like this one.
Organizations involved learned the financial and reporting methodology required by European programming, making it easier to implement future projects.

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Main institution
Lazio Region
Lazio, Italy (Italia)
Start Date
January 2015
End Date


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