The meeting of EUSALP Action Group 9, which took place online on the 1st of December 2020, was the opportunity for Piemonte Region to present to an international audience the activities that is implementing within the SHREC project in the field of Energy Communities (EC).

The Piemonte Region issued a Law in 2018 with the aim of promoting the establishment of Energy Communities and then launched a call for financially supporting the establishment of EC. Four pilot projects are now being developed. Mr. Silvio De Nigris, which is a member of the Action Group 9, reported to the others 20 international members the progress which pilot EC projects are achieving in drafting their energy balance and energy strategy as well as the problems they are facing. While Member states are adopting the EU Directives on internal Electricity and Renewable Energy market, which will set a more stable legislative framework for the Energy Communities topic, it is essential to share pilot projects outcomes and findings in order to build a common knowledge among key stakeholders, as AG9 EUSALP members are.

EUSALP Action Group 9 focuses on the promotion of energy efficiency and the production and use of local renewable energy in the Alpine Region, especially in the public and private sectors. The action promotes energy management and monitoring systems at different levels. One of the specific objectives is how to support a better use of local resources and increase energy self-sufficiency.

The SHREC project implementation will be the helpful framework to further develop these actions.