On Thursday, 18 November, South Muntenia RDA organized the fifth online stakeholder's meeting and a dissemination event.

The event was attended by 22 representatives from academia, research institutes, public authorities and clusters, who are directly interested in CO2 reduction policies.

During the meeting, the RDA project team presented the status of SHREC project implementation and future activities, as well as the Action Plan for the South Muntenia region. Also, examples of good practices from the interregional seminars on "renewable energy and environmental sustainability" organised by the project partners in Vilnius, Lithuania, and Bratislava, Slovakia, were presented.

At the end of the event, issues related to the development of the Action Plan were discussed with the participants, taking into account the difficulties and challenges imposed by the pandemic context. The interactive session also focused on a dialogue comparing the concepts presented in the good practices from partner countries with the initiatives on the use of renewable energy sources in our country.

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