In February, Slovakia has organized SG meetings with representatives of policy maker and representatives of energy clusters. Stakeholder group consists of two types of stakeholders – policy makers and representatives of private sector – energy clusters. Both types significantly influence the learning process as they provide first-hand knowledge and information and also feedback on the information we learned so far from two different perspectives which makes the process more diverse. This approach appears to be very beneficial so far. The energy clusters provide information what need to be done in order to support and boost the energy transition from point of view of entrepreneurs. The policy makers are creating schemes and legislative framework to set the pathway of the energy transition. By joining these two groups we can positively influence the addressed policy instrument and also the process of creation of next programming period.

SIEA has organized two bigger and one small SG meetings. By organizing the SG meetings this way we received feedback and information from different perspectives and we can create several focus points, therefore address the issues more efficiently.

First meeting took place in the beginning of February with representatives of Ministry of Economy which is the crucial public body in policy and legislative process in the RES field. Ministry sets the pathway for the energy transition in Slovakia. SIEA presented SHREC project, its goals and finished and future activities. Ministry showed strong interest not only in the outcomes but also in the process of accomplishing the goals. Specifically in the preparation of regional analysis and Action plan. The Action plan can be very beneficial in setting the next programming period priorities and processes.

Following the first SG meeting, smaller one with representatives of the energy section of Ministry was held to clarify the process of preparation of regional analysis and Action plan.

Second bigger SG meeting took place with representatives of the private sector – energy clusters, whose activities are aimed at energy policies development, support of the business environment, circular economy and support and development of RES. The clusters are operational in different parts of Slovakia, therefore we are covering large area of Slovakia. In the beginning the project´s objectives and ideas were presented, as well as the best practices from Northern Netherlands presented during the kick off meeting in Groningen. SHREC received very good feedback and stakeholders showed interest in the activities and outcomes of SHREC. Several topics were covered during the discussion part and we have agreed on the common approach and way of working of the stakeholder group. Particularly we touched topics as RES in context of urbanism, how to get the electricity produced by RES to the grid, promotion of collaborative economy and collective identity, protection of intellectual property. Going forward we agreed on these points:

• To include representatives of Ministry of Environment and SIEA´s section of planning and implementation of ESIF

• Next meeting in May/June (depending on the current pandemic situation)

• Clusters will send list of topics that need to be discussed before next meeting

Eventually we will organize full SG meeting with participation of policy makers and private sector representatives and create one big round table.